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Congratulations!!! You've gotten a promotion, or even a better job. However, you may have to move to another city that you know little to nothing about. As stressful as changing jobs can be, doing so WHILE you are uprooting your entire family and moving to another town can be downright panic-striking. List your home on our site and check listings for where you're heading. You never know... maybe the person whose job YOU'RE taking could be looking to take YOUR OLD JOB, and with any luck, maybe even your home.

Not relocating?

www.OnlineHouseTrading.com is an excellent resource for finding property in your local area. Because www.OnlineHouseTrading.com works as a search engine to match the wants and needs of buyers to the same wants and needs of sellers within our database, you can search for buyers not only across the country but within your own hometown. Over the years, the twists and turns that life brings sometimes necessitate changing where we live. Perhaps your five-bedroom house is way too large now that your children are off to college or married. Maybe it's time to find that cozy little cottage you've always dreamed of.

Maybe you've recently remarried! Now where are you going to put all six children; in a two-bedroom house? Or perhaps your children are just now reaching school age and you find that you want to relocate to a different school district? Many people in your area are in the same situation as you. They need to find a larger house, a smaller house, a house in their chosen school district, a house in the suburbs or a house in the city. The problem is, how do you find each other?

www.OnlineHouseTrading.com! Searching our extensive database, we can match you with people needing to move within your same area.

Serving in our Military?

First of all, if you serve in any branch of our armed services, THANK YOU from everyone at www.OnlineHouseTrading.com. You and your family have enough to worry about. We realize that the continual demand to move from base to base could leave you buying or selling in a fast or slow market. Just like with any other citizen, being forced to move and sell a home in a slow market can make it difficult, or even impossible, to buy a new home. Not to mention, you've EARNED your equity; so why not try to trade it for someone else's.

For less than $20 www.OnlineHouseTrading.com eases the burdens of buying and selling, regardless of market conditions, for all of the parties involved.


You've worked hard your whole life, and now you finally get to take a well-earned break. Maybe you want a low-maintenance condo, perhaps a vacation home in a warmer climate, could be you are looking for BOTH… www.OnlineHouseTrading.com will help you buy and sell homes ANYWHERE, and ANYTIME. Exchange your family home in Ohio for a condo near the ocean and one in Florida. YOU make the rules, YOU control what you give up and what you get in return.


Realtors® who list their client's properties on www.OnlineHouseTrading.com allow themselves the VERY REAL possibility of representing BOTH THE BUYERS AND SELLERS; essentially doubling their commission. In addition, Realtors® can purchase discounted advertising on the site, exposing your name and number to thousands of potential homebuyers and sellers. Even if you choose not to advertise, YOUR NAME will be on ALL your listings, yet another inexpensive way to create brand awareness for you and your company. Even if a prospect decides your listing isn't the way to go, there's NO REASON you couldn't represent them through a buyer's agency agreement. www.OnlineHouseTrading.com supports the work of all Realtors®, and respects the hard work that you all do. Use www.OnlineHouseTrading.com to help you NETWORK with prospects, and increase your monthly sales. www.OnlineHouseTrading.com is a tool for Realtors® to use in conjunction with your local multiple listing service and their expertise. www.OnlineHouseTrading.com will soon feature a "recommended real estate professional" section, along with links for local title companies, banks, home inspectors and mortgage companies to help make the whole system of trading houses easier for everyone involved.

Realtor® is a registered trademark of the National Association of Realtors

And we mean EVERYONE...

www.OnlineHouseTrading.com is an excellent resource for finding property in virtually any area. Because www.OnlineHouseTrading.com works as a search engine to match the wants and needs of buyers and sellers, you can search for homes EVERYWHERE between California and Maine, while THEIR OWNERS are searching for YOU. The fact is, there are nearly as many reasons for moving as there are places to move. Whether you've recently married, divorced, re-married, had kids, moved kids out into the world, been promoted, had kids move back home, been downsized, started a new business or even retired, make www.OnlineHouseTrading.com your FIRST stop to getting where you're going; and closing the book on where you've been. www.OnlineHouseTrading.com will revolutionize the way real estate is sold!