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Frequently Asked Questions

Q:How long does my registration last?

www.OnlineHouseTrading.com keeps your property profile along with you wants and needs in our database until you sell your home and find a new one. Every 6 months you will be asked to renew your listing at no additional cost.

Q:How can I be assured that once the closing occurs for the house I am purchasing that the one I am selling will also close?

The best way to assure that both closings occur at the same time is to include a contingency in the purchase agreement for a dual closing for both properties on the same day. This procedure is simplified by having one title company handle both transactions.

Q:What if my house is currently is already listed on the MLS by a realtor?

No problem, www.OnlineHouseTrading.com is an excellent complement to any marketing plan your realtor has put together because the majority of our listings are inserted by realtors.

Q:What does www.OnlineHouseTrading.com consider a match?

At www.OnlineHouseTrading.com a match occurs when a party is found that is selling a house that meets your needs and is also looking for a house that is like the one you are selling.

Q:Will my contact information be given out to each person that I have a match with?

No, both parties of the match will be supplied a link from www.OnlineHouseTrading.com through which they can contact each other. From that point, the two parties can determine whether or not to give out their personal information.

Q:Will the $19.95 fee be charged on an ongoing, monthly basis?

No, the $19.95 is a one time fee and is the only fee you will ever incur per property listed.

Q:What if I have multiple properties that I want to trade?

Each property that you want to trade will cost $19.95.

Q:What if I am willing to trade my house for any one of a number of properties?

You can enter as many “What I am Looking for” profiles as you wish with no additional costs.